Source for Sports Player of the Week | Alexis Billequey | Hawkesbury Hawks

Ottawa, ON – The Central Canada Hockey League is pleased to announce from the Hawkesbury Hawks, Alexis Billequey, has been named week 16’s Source for Sports Player of the Week. 

The 2004 born in Laval, QC is currently in his first season the CCHL playing for the Hawkesbury Hawks. In Billequey’s last two games, he earned 6-points all coming from 6 goals. 

On Thursday’s matchup, he got one goal. Hitting the ice again on Friday evening, he netted five goals in 60-minutes.

Honourable Mentions
Noah Vom Scheidt (Renfrew Wolves)
Nicholas Paone (Navan Grads)
Trevor Faucher (Smiths Falls Bears)